Being the 35th Sentai series to date, Aired in 2010. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. The series has sort of a pirate theme to it. Depending on conditions the team have access to using the power, weapons and abilities of the previous 34 sentai heroes to defeat their enemies.My first look at the early episodes of the Gokaiger series, I have seen the team Henshin (suit up) and fight. I did see a lot of showing off in the middel of the battle. But its amazing how well they can weild their weapons. With unbelievable skill. I was impressed.
For sometime Bandai has released Sochaku Henshin (Armor suit up) figures of the Kamen Rider line. As is the same with the Souchaku Henshin line's successor the S.H. Figurearts line. It being mostly Kamen Rider figures. In 2009 Bandai did something a bit different and decided to release a sentai figure. The first one to be released was from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger- Shinken Red. That was later followed by Shinken Gold. Does it end there? LIke Kamen Rider, Sentai S.H. Figurearts exclusive figures were released. High in demand but very hard to find. 2010, Bandai releases the S.H. Figurearts Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger FIgures. Four are released in normal production. Gokai Red, Gokai Blue, Gokai Green, and Gokai Silver. Currently the latest one released. My topic today is the SH Figurearts Gokai Green.
I was on my recent trip on vacation spending the holdiays in Tokyo. I was walking around looking into various stores. Mainly the hobby floors of BIC Camera in Shinjuku. and BIC Camera in Ikebukuro. I saw the Gokaiger figures in a glass case. All three of them. I thought of getting them. Luckily when i got back to Hawaii, and was at Toys n Joys to see what new stuff the store had in stock. I looked around a bit. Near the main doors of the store in a glass case was a Gokai Green figure. That began my collection of Gokaiger FIgures. I grabbed him.
First look at the package, its a box with a clear window in the front. Which shows off the figure very nicely with its accessories. To the right on the bottom is a picture cut out of the figure. There is a metallic green border on the right side of the box with the lettering Goaki Green in big letters. Below it is the Tamashi Nations and Bandai logo. Very nicely done.
The back of the box shows off the figure. a few pictures of its features and what its able to do. Bandai captured that very nicely and set it up really well too. Very catching to the consumer's
Asthetically It is a very nice figure . Alot of detali to it. Seen from the front view, Its mostly green A very soft matte green with some black along the legs up to the chest bearing the Gokaiger emblem in the midde. Silver on the top of each boot. The jacket has silver cuffs. Gold lining the sides. Silver on the inside of the collar. The helmet is all green with a dark visor. Trimmed in gold along the edges. On the forehead shows the gokaiger emblem. Bandai even put the slightest details on this figure. Even the wrinkles on the boots are molded on.
Seen from the back view, the helmet has a gold trim on the edge. The outside of the jacket's collar is gold. with a gold trim on the bottom edge. The bottom edge of the jacket has a gold trim as well. Seen from both views the belt is gold. Seen from the back the wrinkles on the boots is also
The figure is able to hold its Mobirates phone quite easily. I wanted to replicate that scene after he suits up.
Joint Movement- The one thing SH Figurearts figures Bandai made it known for is the amount of articulation the figure has. I will not be taking the figure apart to show where the joints are. I will point them out where they are exactly.
Showing off is another thing. The trigger finger allows the figure to look like its spinning the Gokai gun around its finger. I thought that was neat.
The Gokai gun is held pretty well in the hand. The gun is a common type used by pirates called a flintlock pistol. Much like a musket which shoots a lead ball. Except this one does not shoot lead balls it shoots beam energy .
As I had mentioned earlier, the figure is able to crouch quite well. And the ball joint in the hips make that possible. Right now I dont know how much more super-posable a figure can be. This is pretty good.
And the best feature of any figure. Well i like to call it that. but another thing that was not considered possible with any action figure. The ball joints in the shoulders and wrists make it possible for the figure to pose with its arms crossed. Now this is good. It wont be possible if it didnt have all those joints in it.
Bonus Material- Okay on a limited release, the first run production Gokaiger figures will come with this bonus package. The Gokai Darin. Its simply put, a helm control of a ship. Much like the ones used on pirate ships to steer the vessel. My figure came with this bonus pack. But it was in a separate box. Lets take a closer look.
The figure does look good seated with the Gokai Darin.
Its a good set to have if you are a Gokaiger fan, but if you are not as much a fan The later released figures are sold without this bonus item. I do like the idea this Gokai Darin came with the figure. It adds more display option.